Are You Ready to See Life in 2020?

Here at nJoy Vision, we love to celebrate a new year and the endless possibilities it brings. But this year, as the seconds ticked away, we put that last big, fat, red X on the calendar with more gusto than ever before.


Because this year isn’t just a new year, it’s a new decade! And on top of that, it’s not just any old decade – it’s 2020, the year of perfect vision!

So how do we celebrate entering a new decade that is also the standard by which a person’s eyesight is measured? By setting one really ambitious goal, of course.

In the year ahead, we want to inspire everyone we meet to See Life in 2020!

This means encouraging others to go forth bravely and boldly, to try new things, to dream big, travel far, and connect deeply. Most importantly, it means helping people experience this new and exciting world from a front-row seat, not behind a pair of glasses or contacts.

Think about it! This could be the year that you finally stop letting poor vision hold you back from experiencing all that life has to offer.

So if you’re looking down at a blank (and slightly blurry) notepad with “New Decade’s Resolutions” scrawled across the top, go ahead and jot this down:

LASIK at nJoy Vision

That’s it. No fad diets, no fitness regimens, just LASIK. Because if you’re ready to See Life in 2020, all it takes is a resolution worthy of a new decade.

Schedule your FREE LASIK consultation today and free yourself to experience the meaningful moments in life.

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